(Comments on) The Hahndorfer Kranken-Verein Cup and the China Trade, Brian Eggleton
Harold Parker: the forgotten sculptor, Judith McKay
Exhibition: Crafts of South Australia. Art Gallery of South Australia
Exhibition: Bush Curiozities. Shepparton Art Gallery
Exhibition: Australian Silver. National Gallery of Victoria
The Jewellery and Silverware of G. & E. Rodd, and its Successors, Kenneth Cavill
Arnold 176: The Vancouver Chronometer, Robin Inglis
From Here & There, Ian Rumsey
Art and Utility - Ceramics in South Australia 1836 - 1986, Noris Ioannou
Book review: Geoff Ford, ‘19th Century South Australian Pottery’, Salt Glaze Press 1985, Richard Phillips
Book review: Alison Carroll, ‘Barbara Hanrahan’, Wakefield Press, Tory Roe
New books: Peter and Jane Donovan, ‘150 Years of Stained and Painted Glass’, Wakefield Press
New books: ‘The Art of William Light’, with notes and introduction by David Elder, Wakefield Press
New books: Alison Carroll and John Tregenza, 'Eugene von Guerard's South Australia’, Art Gallery of South Australia
New books: Anne Gray, ‘Line, Light and Shadow. James W. R. Linton: Painter, Craftsman, Teacher’, Fremantle Arts Centre Press
New books: Peter Timms, ‘Australian Studio Pottery and China Painting’, Oxford University Press
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