Don Ross, artist and craft worker , Glenn R Cooke
A friend of mine wanted to see a mosaic mural in the Crypt at Anzac Square in Brisbane (now operated by the State Library of Queensland). For most of the year it is protected by an information panel, but the mural is on view for just two weeks in January ― the month when the artist and craft worker Don Ross (1917–2015) was born (and died, aged 98). Her interest ― her niece is married to William Dickson (the grand-nephew of Don’s wife Joy, known as Dicki), who joined our pilgrimage to view the mural. I was able to provide them with some personal details of his life as, when I came to Brisbane from Blackall in the late 1960s, I joined the Contemporary Art Society of Australia (Queensland Branch) where Don Ross was an exhibiting member.
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