President’s Report for the 2024 Financial Year, Colin Thomas
A portrait miniature of Captain William Hill, Gary L Sturgess
A window into the past, Peter Crawshaw
John Wilson Carey and his ‘Queensland’ cabinet timbers, David Bedford
John Wilson Carey, cabinetmaker and saw-miller, Yvonne Barber
‘A Treasure Chest?’ revisited, R A Fredman
South Australian malachite brooches, Jo Vandepeer
Remembering Terry Lane, Geoffrey Edwards
The Jonathan Leak 1823 victory commemorative wine jug, Geoff & Kerrie Ford
Annual Report Financial Statements 2024, Lynda Summers
Cover: Charles Edward Firnhaber (c 1805–1880), gold and malachite brooch, unknown date, Adelaide, donated by Gerard McCabe Jewellers, 2015, South Australian Museum. Photograph by Jeff Scovil.
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